Have the Love and Sex Life

You Dream About


Rekindle Deep Love

Have Great Sex




Life is too short to miss out on the life you want.

You deserve the fun, excitement, and romance of a loving relationship. 

And you deserve to enjoy your sex life.


Remember how your relationship started with such intense love. 

But then...things gradually changed.

✔️  The hectic pace of life caused you to grow apart.  Some days, you feel lonely.

✔️  You long to do fun and romantic activities together. 

✔️  You feel more like roommates than lovers. 

✔️  Your communication is lousy and you wish you could have meaningful conversations.

✔️  Your sex life is meh or it's non-existent. Sometimes, it's just another thing on your to-do list. 

✔️  You crave physical touch and feeling cherished, but not always with an expectation for sex.

✔️  You can't imagine spending the rest of your life feeling this way.

✔️  But you don't know how to fix it and you worry your partner won't want to try.



You don't have to settle for this.


You can have the fabulous life you dream about.

You can rekindle deep love.

You can increase your desire for sex.

You can learn to have great, passionate sex.


It's never too late to create the life and love you want.


Loving couple feeling loved and kissing

Rejuvenate Your Love Filled Life

happy couple head over heels in love

Feel Happy and Confident

Loving Couple feeling cherished wife looking at husband with love

Feel Head Over Heels in Love

Happy loving couple having magnificent sex

Have Great Sex

Learn how to improve 

your relationship and your sex life

rekindle love and intimacy

Learn how to feel great about yourself and feel empowered to create a fulfilling relationship with loving connection, fun and excitement.

Older couple with erectile dysfunction ED in love on boat

Learn all about sex toys and how to use them to enhance your pleasure and add some vavoom to your sex life.

Older couple with erectile dysfunction ED in love on boat
TAKE CHARGE OF ED: Help for Erectile Dysfunction

Learn how to take charge of erectile dysfunction, be sexually confident and enjoy great sex. Suitable for those with ED and/or partners.


The quality and happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your relationships.

~ Heather England

We all want to feel loved. 


So when you don't, it really hurts. It's especially painful to feel lonely in your relationship.  

The"busy"ness of life and sexual problems can cause couples to grow apart, avoid sex and become roommates.

But what you really want is to be in love like you used to be and enjoy a fabulous sex life.

As a relationship coach and certified sex therapist, I've helped countless couples rekindle love and sex.

But more importantly, I've walked your path.

I'm a middle-age woman who learned to transform love with my partner and feel sexually confident.

I want you to have the love and sex life you dream about. 

You deserve a LOVE FILLED LIFE.




Love Filled Life is a Veteran Owned Business

What Students and Clients Say

" Heather’s warmth, caring, and direct style of teaching helped me feel great about myself. I learned how to be more interested in sex and how to be better at it."

~ Shauna

" We are so much closer since we began working with Heather. She helped us dramatically improve our relationship and our sex. "

~ John and Susie

" The erectile dysfunction course blew me away.  I feel like a man again. I no longer worry about getting hard and our sex life is better than ever. "

~ Jeff 

Do You Want Simple Relationship and Sex Tips?

Subscribe to  Love Filled Life periodic emails to get sex and relationship tips, resources, and inspiration delivered to your inbox. You can opt-out at any time and we will never share your info.

As Seen in the Media

Heather England Sex Therapy expert media

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Free Resources


Bookshelf of sex and love resources

10 Days to Better Relationships

Transform your relationships in 10 days! Join our challenge for actionable daily steps to connect deeply with yourself and loved ones. Sign up now!


69 Ways to Add Spice to Your Sex Life

Download this helpful guide with 69 simple ways to take your sex life from boring to vavoom!


5 Ways to Improve Your Erectile Dysfunction

Download this helpful guide with 5 simple ways you can improve your Erectile Dysfunction. 

Bookshelf of sex and love resources

Love and Sex Helpful Resources

Lots of information about the best books on love and sex, highly rated sex toys, mindfulness and business tools, and how to find a sex therapist.

Bookshelf of sex and love resources

Sex Toy Recommendations

Learn all about some of Love Filled Life's Favorite Sex Toys.


Loving couple treating erectile dysfunction

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Read this research-backed guide to treating erectile dysfunction (ED).



Create the Love Life You Want


We spend the first half of our lives building careers, creating comfortable homes, making friends, and raising families.   

Then, we hit our thirties and forties and start to wonder if this is all life is supposed to be. We start to feel unsettled and even disappointed. 

This often happens when you become an empty-nester or you retire and you lose your sense of purpose. Suddenly, you’re faced with figuring out who you are and what you want for the rest of your life. 

You and your partner may have become roommates, not lovers. You wonder how to rebuild the intimacy you used to have. 

If that sounds like you, I want to help. You aren't alone.  

older love filled and happy couple piggyback on the beach
happy couple  on beach

Enjoy an abundantly loving relationship!


I want to help you learn how to bring your best self into your relationship and connect with your partner in all the right ways.

You and your partner can feel head over heels in love. 

Delight in amazing and satisfying sex!


What started as a quest to be a great sex therapist and embrace my middle-aged sexuality turned into trainings to help you confidently show up in your sex life like never before.

I want to help you learn how to improve your sex life and conquer sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.

You and your partner can have magnificent sexual intimacy.

Love-filled-life-couple-with vibrator having mind blowing sex

Heather gave me the support I needed to talk with my husband about ED and to help him with it.  


Where do you want to be in 10 years?


Don't wait to create the love and joy you deserve.

Loving couple holding hands

It's Never Too Late to Create a Love Filled Life

The latest from the Love Filled Life blog 

The Baby Blues and Navigating Postpartum Anxiety and Depression: A ...

Perfectionism, performance anxiety, indecision, procrastination, an...

Redefining Sex: Moving Beyond Intercourse for Deeper Intimacy

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You can opt-out at any time and we will never share your info

Start your journey to a

love filled life!